Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Day 35: The Windless City

We awoke and prepared breakfast inside the massage parlor that lodged us the previous night.
Not wanting to inconvenience our hosts who had plans in the morning we got packed up and hit the road at 8 am.
The day was warm and sunny but not terribly hot, but for most of the day there was not even a bit of wind.
We passed back and forth between flat areas with cornfields stretching out from either side of the road to wooded river valleys that provided some welcome shade but came along with some steep hills.
We made good time, though after being spoiled with strong tailwinds for the better part of the last two weeks it didnt feel like it.
We ate lunch on the steps of a church and a kind woman who had some errand there invited us in to fill our bottles.
After chatting with her over lunch we headed off to Wenona. Arriving there a bit after 3 we decided that Cornell would be a reasonable target but didnt want to be out on the road late enough to make it to Odell.
We made camp at the Bayou Bluffs campground and went about meeting our neighbors.
Hopefully we can make it into Indiana tomorrow. With thunderstorms in the forecast in a few days we are hoping that getting further east may let us outrun a bit of it.

100 miles
2361 miles total

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